7 Things To Do When Your Girlfriend Is Ignoring You

Have you ever experienced that sinking feeling when your girlfriend hasn’t returned your text messages or called you back all day? What do you do when your girlfriend is ignoring you? When your girlfriend is ignoring you, it can be a source of frustration and confusion. It can be a difficult situation to navigate, but […]

6 mins read

21 Silent Relationship Killers To Watch Out For

It’s no secret that relationships can be tough, but what some people don’t know is that some behaviors can slowly but surely kill relationships even before they get a chance to take off. Understanding these relationship killers and how to prevent them can mean the difference between a successful and unsuccessful relationship. In this post, […]

11 mins read

10 Habits That Make A Relationship Strong

Knowing how to make a relationship strong with your partner is the key to having a long-lasting relationship. Relationships don’t just wax stronger. You need to do the little things that matter to increase love and intimacy in your relationship. If you are finding it hard to strengthen your relationship with your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, […]

7 mins read

7 Signs Someone Doesn’t Want To Be Your Friend

Do you find yourself trying to initiate friendships and end up getting hurt? Here are signs someone doesn’t want to be your friend so you won’t continue wasting your time with them. There are people who say they are your friend, but the signs you get from them show they don’t want to become your […]

5 mins read