Relationship conflicts are inevitable. Fighting in a relationship may be a normal experience to some couples, but if it happens consistently, it is a sign of an unhealthy relationship. Here’s…
Lack of communication destroys a relationship. It is a state whereby couples deliberately or indeliberately refuse to exchange information or discuss the issues affecting their relationship. When communication stops in…
Sending good morning texts for him is a fantastic way to let your special man know that he’s on your mind and that you care about him. Whether it’s your…
Parenting can sometimes feel like navigating through a dense fog without a compass. You give directions, share wisdom, and offer support, only to find your words seemingly vanish into thin…
How to start a new chapter in life. How do you begin a new phase of your life when the old one is no longer suitable for you? In this…

20 Ways To Raise God Fearing Children

Raising godly kids in today’s world can seem daunting. Everywhere you look, some influences seem to pull them away from faith and into a secular worldview. However, as parents or guardians, you have a powerful role in guiding your children to grow in faith and live a life that reflects godly values. Here are 20 […]

11 mins read

10 Signs You Are Disrespecting Your Husband

How well do you respect your husband? If you ever find yourself doing these things I’m about to share with you in this post, they’re 10 signs you are disrespecting your husband. Marriage, a revered union that intertwines the lives, dreams, and aspirations of two individuals, necessitates a foundation built upon mutual respect, understanding, and […]

8 mins read