How To Find Yourself Again After a Breakup 

Amy Jones is a freelance wellness and relationship writer. She loves researching and writing about new health trends and topics, as well as keeping up to date with the latest research on how to find and maintain thriving relationships. When not writing, you can find her taking long walks in the countryside with her dog or browsing her nearest bookstore.
Amy Jones

Breakups are never easy, especially after a long-term relationship. You perhaps have spent an eternity, or what feels like an entire lifetime with this person, only to find things never work out. More importantly, the person you are in a relationship with can feel like an extension of you. With this, you lose a piece […]

Amy Jones is a freelance wellness and relationship writer. She loves researching and writing about new health trends and topics, as well as keeping up to date with the latest research on how to find and maintain thriving relationships. When not writing, you can find her taking long walks in the countryside with her dog or browsing her nearest bookstore.
Amy Jones
7 mins read