16 Ways To Make Her Wet Over Text
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16 Ways To Make Her Wet Over Text

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Texting can be a powerful tool for building sexual tension and arousal with a partner.

By using the right words and phrases, you can create a sense of anticipation and excitement that can lead to a more intimate encounter.

If you want to get your girlfriend turned on, here are tips on how to make her wet over text.

How to make her wet over text

1. Tease and Tantalize her

Subtlety can be a powerful tool when it comes to building sexual tension.

Start by sending a flirtatious message that hints at your desires without being too explicit.

For example:

“I can’t stop thinking about the way you looked at me earlier. It’s driving me crazy.”

“I had the most incredible dream about you last night. I wish I could tell you all the details, but I think I’ll have to save that for later…”

This message creates a sense of anticipation and leaves her wondering what you’re thinking, encouraging her to engage further.

2. Compliment Her Sensually

Women thrive on compliments that make them feel desired and attractive.

Craft a message that highlights a specific physical feature or attribute sensually.

For instance:

“Your lips look so kissable right now. I can’t wait to feel them against mine.”

“Your skin looks so soft and smooth, I can practically feel it through the screen.”

Or, “I love the way your lips curve when you smile. It makes me want to kiss you.”

This approach taps into her desire to be admired and appreciated, setting the stage for a more intimate exchange.

Related: How to compliment a girl

3. Describe a Steamy Scenario

Paint a vivid picture of a sensual scenario that you’d like to experience with her.

This can be a powerful way to stimulate her imagination and ignite her desire.

Consider a message like:

“Imagine my hands exploring every curve of your body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. I want to savor every inch of you.”

By engaging her senses through descriptive language, you can transport her to a shared moment of passion.

4. Reminisce About a Memorable Encounter

Reflecting on a previous intimate moment can be a potent way to rekindle her arousal.

Craft a message that takes her back to a time when you shared a special connection.

For example:

“Remember that night in the moonlight when we couldn’t keep our hands off each other? I can still feel your skin against mine.”

This approach taps into the emotional and physical memories you’ve already created, reigniting the spark.

Related: How to make a girl think about you

5. Suggest a Naughty Surprise

Pique her curiosity by hinting at a surprise you have in store for her. This can build anticipation and leave her eagerly awaiting your next move. Consider a message like:

“I’ve got a little something planned for you tonight that I think you’re going to enjoy. Any guesses?”

This message creates a sense of mystery and excitement, encouraging her to engage further.

How To Make Her Wet Over Text (1)

6. Reveal a Forbidden Desire

Sharing a secret or forbidden desire can be a powerful way to captivate her attention and stoke her curiosity.

Approach this with care and sensitivity, ensuring that your message is respectful and in line with your shared values.

For example:

“There’s something I’ve been wanting to try with you, but I’ve been too nervous to bring it up. Would you be open to exploring it together?”

This message conveys vulnerability and trust, creating an opportunity for deeper intimacy.

7. Engage Her Senses

Tap into her senses by describing the way you’d like to touch, taste, or feel her.

This can be a highly effective way to stimulate her imagination and arousal. For instance:

“I can almost feel the softness of your skin under my fingertips.

The way you tremble when I trace the curves of your body is driving me wild.”

By engaging her senses, you create a vivid mental experience that can heighten her desire.

8. Suggest a Steamy Activity

Propose a specific intimate activity or experience that you’d like to share with her.

This can be a powerful way to direct the conversation towards more sensual territory. Consider a message like:

“I’ve been daydreaming about you, naked and writhing beneath me. What do you say we make that fantasy a reality tonight?”

This approach is direct yet inviting, allowing her to respond in kind and further the conversation.

9. Express Your Admiration

Communicate your genuine admiration and appreciation for her, both physically and emotionally.

This can create a deeper sense of connection and intimacy.

For example:

“You are the most captivating woman I’ve ever known.

I’m in awe of your beauty, your intelligence, and the way you make me feel.”

By expressing your sincere admiration, you tap into her need for validation and emotional intimacy.

10. Encourage Her to Take the Lead

Empower her to take an active role in the intimate exchange by inviting her to guide the conversation.

This can be a powerful way to make her feel desired and in control. Consider a message like:

“I’m all yours tonight. Tell me what you want, and I’ll make it happen.”

This approach shifts the dynamic, allowing her to take the reins and explore her desires.

11. Reveal a Hidden Fantasy

Sharing a personal fantasy or desire can be a powerful way to build trust and intimacy.

Approach this with care and sensitivity, ensuring that your message is respectful and aligns with your shared values. For example:

“There’s something I’ve been fantasizing about, and I’d love to share it with you. Would you be open to exploring it together?”

This message conveys vulnerability and a desire for deeper connection, creating an opportunity for mutual exploration.

12. Flirt Shamelessly

Embrace your playful and flirtatious side by sending an unapologetically seductive message.

This can be a refreshing approach that catches her off guard and sparks her interest. Consider a message like:

“I can’t stop thinking about the way you looked at me earlier.

If we weren’t in public, I would have had to kiss you right then and there.”

This bold and confident approach can ignite a sense of excitement and anticipation.

13. Tease with a Tantalizing Cliffhanger

Leave her wanting more by ending your message with a tantalizing cliffhanger. This can create a sense of intrigue and encourage her to engage further. For instance:

“I’ve got a little surprise for you later. But I’ll only tell you if you promise to be a good girl.”

This message leaves her curious and eager to continue the conversation.

14. Invoke Nostalgia

Tap into the power of nostalgia by reminiscing about a cherished moment you’ve shared.

This can evoke a sense of emotional connection and intimacy. For example:

“Remember that night under the stars when we couldn’t keep our hands off each other? I can still feel your body against mine.”

By revisiting a special memory, you can rekindle the spark and build anticipation for future encounters.

15. Challenge Her Boundaries

Carefully push the boundaries of your intimate exchange by suggesting something a little more daring or risqué.

This can be a powerful way to heighten the tension and excitement, but it should be approached with care and consent.

Consider a message like:

“I’ve been thinking about you in a way that’s a little naughty. What would you say to a private video call tonight?”

This message introduces an element of excitement and adventure, while still respecting her boundaries.

16. Use Subtle Innuendos

One of the most effective ways to build sexual tension over text is by using subtle innuendos.

These playful, suggestive messages can tease and intrigue your partner without being overtly sexual.

The key is to strike the right balance between playfulness and restraint.

For example, you could try something like:

“I can’t stop thinking about how good you looked in that dress last night. It was driving me wild.”

Or, “I had the most interesting dream about you last night. Maybe I’ll tell you about it sometime…”

The goal is to pique her curiosity and leave her imagination running wild, without crossing any boundaries.

Final thought

With the above texts, you are sure to turn any girl on over text and make her develop feelings for you.

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How To Make Her Wet Over Text

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