10 Alarming Signs He Still Loves His Ex-Girlfriend
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10 Alarming Signs He Still Loves His Ex-Girlfriend

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Does he still love his ex? If you’re wondering whether your partner still wants his ex back? Here are signs he still loves his ex-girlfriend.

Most people cannot really get over their ex. Though they may be in a new relationship, they still find their way back to their ex-partner. And this has jeopardized many relationships.

Past relationships ought to be a thing of the past. If you have truly moved on with your life, you shouldn’t allow the feelings you had for your ex to interfere with your present relationship.

Here are signs to look out for when trying to figure out if your boyfriend has not moved on from his ex-girlfriend.

Signs He Still Loves His Ex Girlfriend

1. He Talks About Her Frequently

One of the most obvious signs that your boyfriend still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend is if he talks about her frequently. If he mentions her name in casual conversations, brings up memories that involve her, or shares stories about their past relationship, it could be a sign that he’s still thinking about her.

While it’s normal to have memories and stories about past relationships, if your partner talks about his ex-girlfriend all the time, it may be a cause for concern. It’s possible that he’s still hung up on her and hasn’t fully moved on.

There is nothing wrong if he mentions his ex in your conversations. But it should be a cause for concern if he frequently talks about her. For example, he tells you how cute she was, how she makes him feel, how good she was in bed, etc. All these are signs he has not moved on from her.

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2. He Keeps in Contact with Her

You will know a guy has not moved on from his ex-girlfriend if he still gets in touch with her. This could be through text messages, phone calls, or social media.

If he’s constantly checking her social media accounts, commenting on her posts, or liking her photos, it’s a sign that he’s still interested in her life.

It’s important to note that staying in contact with an ex-girlfriend doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s cheating on you or planning to leave you for her.

However, if he’s always talking to her and putting her needs before yours, it could be a sign that he’s still emotionally invested in her. And this should be a great concern to you.

If he has finally moved on from his past relationship, he will stop communicating with his ex. This is to prove to you that he has nothing to do with her anymore. But if he still gets in contact with her, he is still interested in his past relationship.

3. He Compares You to Her

Comparing your partner to your ex is the same as telling them they’re not good enough for you. But why did he end his previous relationship if his ex was that good?

If your man is always comparing you to his ex-girlfriend, it could be a sign that he still has feelings for her. Whether he’s comparing your looks, personality, or habits to hers, it’s not a good sign.

Comparing you to his ex-girlfriend could mean that he’s not over her and is still holding onto the past. This can be detrimental to your relationship and can cause you to feel insecure and unappreciated.

No one likes being compared with others. We all want someone that will love us the same we are and appreciate every effort we make in the relationship.

4. He Gets Defensive When You Bring Her Up

Does your boyfriend get defensive or upset each time you bring his ex up in your conversations? This could be a sign that he’s still emotionally invested in her. If he’s constantly shutting down any conversation about her, it could mean that he’s trying to hide his true feelings.

If your partner is truly over his ex-girlfriend, he should be able to have an open and honest conversation about her without getting defensive or upset. But acting otherwise shows he doesn’t want you to figure out how he feels about her.

5. He’s Not Ready to Commit

Does your boyfriend shy away or avoid any discussion about long-term commitment in your relationship? This could mean he has not finally moved on from his past relationship.

If your partner is not ready to commit to a long-term relationship with you, it could be a sign that he still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend. If he’s not willing to take your relationship to the next level or make future plans with you, it could be because he’s not emotionally ready to move on from his past relationship.

It’s important to have open communication with him about your expectations for your relationship. If he is not willing to commit to you, it may be time to re-evaluate your relationship.

Related: Signs he will never marry you.

6. He’s Still Angry or Hurt About the Breakup

If your boyfriend has finally given up on his ex, he shouldn’t be worrying about her or the breakup anymore. But if he’s still hurt about his breakup with his ex-girlfriend, it could be a sign that he’s not over her.

If he’s constantly talking about how she hurt him or how he never got closure, it’s a sign that he’s still interested in their past relationship.

It’s important to note that everyone handles breakups differently, and it’s normal to have some residual feelings after a breakup.

However, if your partner is still angry or hurt months or even years after the breakup, it could be a sign that he’s not fully over his ex-girlfriend. In other words, he still loves her.

7. He Goes Out of His Way to See Her

Another sign that tells your man is not over his ex-girlfriend is that they still meet with each other. This could mean that he’s driving out of his way to see her or making excuses to bump into her at events.

While it’s possible that your partner may still have a friendly relationship with his ex-girlfriend, if he’s going out of his way to see her, it could be a sign that he’s not over her. The same thing is applicable if she’s the one coming to see him. They must have agreed to do so.

8. He’s Keeping Mementos from Their Relationship

Another way to know if your husband or boyfriend has not finally moved on from his past relationship is that he still keeps his ex’s belongings with him. This could mean that he’s holding onto old love letters, photos, or even gifts that she gave him. This reminds him of her love and is a sign he’s still interested in their relationship.

While it’s normal to hold onto mementos from past relationships, if your partner is keeping them out in the open or constantly looking at them, it could be a sign that he’s not over his ex-girlfriend.

9. He’s Still Trying to Impress Her

If a person still makes attempt to impress their ex, it simply means they still love their ex.

Does your boyfriend buys gifts for his ex on her birthday, or he dresses up or makes himself look good when knows he’s going to see her? This could be a sign he still has feelings for his ex.

While it’s natural to want to look your best around someone you used to date, if your partner is constantly trying to impress his ex-girlfriend, it could be a sign that he still wants her.

10. He’s Not Fully Present in Your Relationship

You will know if he still loves his ex by figuring out whether he is fully present in your relationship or not. For example, if he’s distracted when he’s with you, or if he’s not fully committed to spending time with you, it could mean he’s actually spending his time with someone else. And that could be his ex-girlfriend.


If you’re worried that your partner still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend, it’s important to have an open and honest conversation with him. It’s possible that he may not even realize that he’s still emotionally invested in his past relationship.

Remember, it’s normal to have residual feelings after a breakup, but it’s important to make sure that your partner is fully committed to your relationship. If you’re not sure if your boyfriend is over his ex-girlfriend, look for the signs we’ve outlined in this blog post.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to continue in a relationship with someone who still has feelings for their ex.

If you do decide to stay in the relationship, make sure that you’re both on the same page about your expectations for your future together.

Do you think your boyfriend still loves his ex-girlfriend? Drop your comment below.

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