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205 Trap Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

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These are the best trap questions to ask your boyfriend. These serious, romantic, and funny questions designed for a guy will help you become more intimate with your boyfriend and have a meaningful relationship.

Most boyfriends are not good at talking or having a long conversation except you keep asking them questions. So, these are cute questions to ask your boyfriend to get him talking about himself, his past, his future plan for the relationship, and to know if he loves you.

These nice questions can also serve as a good conversation starter if you're finding it difficult to start a conversation with your boyfriend. Therefore, below are some interesting questions to ask a guy or your BF to know him more, to trap him, to test his love for you, and finally, to know whether he knows you well.

Read also: How to keep a conversation going over the text with your crush.

A guy and a girl on a date

Serious Questions to ask your boyfriend about the future

  1. How many children do you plan to have when you get married?
  2. What is your vision?
  3. Where do you think you will be in 10 years' time?
  4. How do you cope with loneliness?
  5. How do you react or feel when you get broke?
  6. What is your view on life and religion?
  7. Do you believe in luck?
  8. Have you ever dated anyone before?
  9. What is your greatest fear about the future?
  10. Is there anything about your past, I need to know?
  11. What will ever make you stop loving a woman you've dated for so long?
  12. How do you view the idea of the husband sharing his responsibilities with his wife?
  13. Do you believe that godly children can be raised with discipline?
  14. What is the best advice you will give your future kids?
  15. How do you view the issue of divorce?
  16. How will you feel if your wife ever files a divorce notice for you?
  17. Would you like to have a joint account with your wife, or a separate one?
  18. How do you view the issue of men beating their wives?

Read also: How to be a good girlfriend. 

Relationship Questions to ask your boyfriend

  1. What are your deal breakers in a relationship?
  2. Can you be in a sexless relationship?
  3. How long do you think a relationship should last before marriage?
  4. What do you value most in a relationship?
  5. How will you retaliate if you discover that your wife is cheating on you?
  6.  In a relationship, what do you expect from the woman you love?
  7. Is there any way I can improve our relationship?
  8. What do you like most about our relationship?
  9. In what ways can I support you?
  10. Do we communicate enough in this relationship?
  11. Are you satisfied with our sex life?
  12. Are there ways we can improve our emotional intimacy with each other?
  13. Do you think we are compatible enough to live together?
  14. How do you handle trust issues in a relationship?
  15. Are there roles I'm not playing as a girlfriend?
  16. Have you been in a toxic relationship before?
  17. How do you describe a good and healthy relationship?
  18. What are your boundaries in a relationship?
  19. What will ever make you stop trusting a woman?
  20. Do you think I can ever cheat on you?

Read also: Good morning texts for him to fall in love with you. 

Fun Questions to ask your boyfriend

  1. What do you notice in a girl first while meeting her for the first time?
  2. Why do guys kneel down before proposing to their woman?
  3. Can you describe me in two sentences?
  4. What do you think about fat women?
  5. When did you have your first kiss, and with whom?
  6. Have you ever cried for your ex before?
  7. Can you tell me the first time I fell in love and with whom?
  8. Have you ever had a sleepless night thinking about a girl before?
  9. What is your favorite pet?
  10. What is the dirtiest country you have ever visited?
  11. Have you ever dreamed where I was kissing you?
  12. When you get angry, who is the first person you're thinking about?
  13. What are the weirdest things you have ever done?
  14. What is the sweetest word you have ever heard and want to hear again?

Read also: 100 Texts to make him think about you every day.

Questions to ask your boyfriend to test his love

  1. If you are given the opportunity to reconcile with your ex now, will you go back to her?
  2. What made you fall in love with me?
  3. Why do you love me?
  4. If I should turn to something else, what do you suggest I turn to?
  5. What type of guys do you think are the best for me?   (You should ask your boyfriend this question to know if he's proud of having you as his girlfriend or not)
  6. I am pregnant for you. What will be your first reaction?
  7. Do you think all women are the same, and why?
  8. What do you find most attractive about me?
  9. When was the last time you looked at our pictures?
  10. How do you feel about me?
  11. Am I a good girlfriend to you?

Questions to ask your boyfriend to get to know him

  1. What is the number one thing you cannot forget about your ex?
  2. What does your name mean?
  3. Who is your best friend and why?
  4. How many are you in your family and what is your position?
  5. What does your culture say about marriage?
  6. What is your major turnoff in people?
  7. Have you ever fallen in love before?
  8. Can you ever apologize to a woman even if you're not at fault?
  9. Where did you grow up?
  10. Do you easily get angry?
  11. Who are your role model and your mentor?
  12. What are your likes and dislikes?
  13. What is your favorite dish?
  14. Who do you love most in your family and why?
  15. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  16. What is your most embarrassing moment?

Cute flirty questions to ask your boyfriend

  1. Where did you have the weirdest kiss?
  2. Are we just friends or do you want more than that?
  3. Do you prefer hugging to kissing?
  4. What turns you on?
  5. Do you like cuddling?
  6. Who do you want to see first, every morning you wake up?
  7. What qualities do you like in a girl
  8. How do you seduce women?
  9. How often do you massage?
  10. What does a flower mean to you?
  11. What is the best way to surprise you?
  12. Has any girl flirted with you before?
  13. How do you react when you notice your girlfriend talking with another guy?
  14. What is your best way to propose to a girl? Kneeling or standing, or lying down?
  15. What excites you most about me?
  16. What do you ever dream about me?
  17. If I hand over myself to you to do whatever you like, what would you use me for?
  18. How do you feel when a girl disappoints you?
  19. What is the first thing you will do if you eventually break up with the girl you love?
  20. Have you ever cried for me before?

Intimate questions to ask your boyfriend

  1. Am I giving you enough time and affection you needed from me?
  2. What was your happiest moment in life?
  3. What do you think a woman should do when her man gets angry?
  4. How can we improve our relationship?
  5. Who am I to you?
  6. Are there things you expect from me, you're not getting?
  7. How satisfied are you with our relationship?
  8. What is the best way to always make yourself happy?
  9. Do you think you have met your soulmate?
  10. What qualities do you want in a life partner?

Questions to ask your boyfriend to see if he knows you

Below are some cute how well do you know me questions to ask your BF.

  1. What do you find most irritating about me?
  2. Who is my best friend?
  3. How do I behave when I see you talking with another girl?
  4. Do you think I'm a jealous type?
  5. What is my favorite dish?
  6. What are my hobbies?
  7. How old am I?
  8. What do I frown at in a romantic partner?
  9. Who do you think is the closest person to me?
  10. What was the first gift I gave you?
  11. What type of food do I hate?
  12. Do I talk a lot?
  13. Do I have other names, and what are they?
  14. What am I really good at?
  15. What is my favorite pet?
  16. Do I sleep a lot?
  17. Who was my first love?
  18. What do I like about you?
  19. What are my likes and dislikes in people?
  20. Am I an introvert or an extrovert?
  21. Who was my high school bestie?
  22. What is my favorite birthday cake?
  23. What is the worst thing I have ever done to you?
  24. Do I drink a lot?
  25. What are my parents' names?
  26. What is my favorite color?
  27. Can you tell me my favorite flower?
  28. What makes me happy?
  29. What is the best way to provoke me?
  30. Where am I from?
  31. What is my zodiac sign?
  32. Can you tell me my favorite song?
  33. When was I born?
  34. What is my position in my family? (The first, 2nd, or last born?)

Romantic questions to ask your boyfriend

  1. Where is the best place to kiss a girl?
  2. Who should say thank you after having sex?
  3. What is your best color?
  4. Do you like public romance?
  5. What makes you look so charming?
  6. Why are your eyes so sexy?
  7. Why do your lips taste like honey after kissing you?
  8. What makes you smell so good?
  9. How did I fall in love with you?
  10. When did you capture my heart?
  11. What is your favorite restaurant for a date?
  12. Do you close your eyes while kissing?
  13. You are so hot. What is the secret?

Trap questions to ask your boyfriend

  1. Do you think all women are the same?
  2. What is the first thing you notice when you visit a woman's house?
  3. How did you fall in love with your ex?
  4. Do you think all women are the same?
  5. What is the first thing you notice when you visit a woman's house?
  6. Do all women's lips taste the same, or are there differences?
  7. What do you really want from me?
  8. How long have you crushed on me before we became friends?
  9. When should a man lie to his girlfriend?
  10. Don't you think it's time we start accessing each other's social media accounts?
  11. What was your first thought about me?

Questions to ask your boyfriend about their past

  1. How long did your last relationship last?
  2. Why did you break up with your ex?
  3. What was your favorite thing about your childhood?
  4. Did you grow up with your parents?
  5. When was your last breakup?
  6. Why did you break up with your ex?
  7. What is the difference between me and your ex-girlfriend?
  8. Tell me one thing you missed about your ex?
  9. Did you cry after your last breakup?
  10. What kept you single all this while?

Personal questions to ask your boyfriend

  1. Are there some bad habits I need to live?
  2. What do you find most attractive in me?
  3. What made you think we can stay together?
  4. How far have I supported you as a girlfriend?
  5. Am I being too emotional in our relationship?
  6. How do you cope with depression?
  7. What are your plans for today?
  8. What is the worst mistake you've ever made in life?
  9. How long has our friendship lasted?
  10. How long do you think a relationship should last?
  11. What do you hate about me?

Random questions to ask your boyfriend

  1. What is your dream car?
  2. How did you feel the first time you entered an airplane?
  3. Who was the last person you called last night?
  4. How old is your phone now?
  5. What is your dream job?
  6. Do you have my number off-heart?
  7. Do you believe in reincarnation?
  8. When last did you ghost a girl?
  9. Have you ever been stranded in the examination hall before?
  10. Who was your High school girlfriend?
  11. Do you love swimming?
  12. Who is that special person you can never forget in your life?
  13. What are your talents?
  14. Are you good at writing or singing?
  15. What is the last thing you do before going to bed?
  16. Do you think you have a secret crush somewhere?
  17. What is one thing you wish you knew earlier?
  18. Coffee or tea?
  19. Have you ever beaten a woman before?
  20. What is your nickname?
  21. What is your favorite game?
  22. Who is your celebrity crush?
  23. You are a fan of which football club?
  24. When was the last time you prayed for me?
  25. If you are not watching television, what else will you be doing?
  26. How do you react when a stranger smiles at you?
What to talk about with your boyfriend?

Talk about his day and your own. Talk about your plans for the day. Discuss how you can improve your relationship.

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