How To Keep A Conversation Going Over The Text With Your Crush
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How To Keep A Conversation Going Over The Text With Your Crush

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Did you meet someone on a dating website or via an app? One of the main questions you might have is how to keep a conversation going over the text with your crush?

The new technological era changes various aspects of our lives, including dating.

Many people find the opportunity to search for their potential soul mates online rather convenient.

That is because when they use online dating apps and the best hookup sites, they can check everything they are looking for in a person, and then they are matched accordingly.

That makes things so much easier than going to bars and clubs expecting to meet someone and going home disappointed when it doesn’t happen.

Besides, it also enables you to use the money you’d spend on drinks for something more useful.

Finally, when you are into online dating, you have more chances of meeting someone interesting as you are not engaging in an online conversation only with people from your area or city. 

Due to COVID – 19, online dating exploded in popularity this year.

Besides all the reasons we mentioned above, people found that it is safer to look for someone that might be interesting online than to go to crowded bars and clubs.

However, if this type of dating is new for you, you might be a bit puzzled with how to start an online conversation as well as how to find ideas to keep the conversation going.

The good news is that you are not the only one who entered the world of online dating totally clueless on what to do next after getting matched.

We discussed this topic with people who have experience in this field.

Also, we consulted with psychologists to find the answers you have been searching for.

These lists of tips for keeping an online conversation going with your crush came out as a result of our research.

Related: How to start a conversation with a girl online.  

How to Maintain Good Online Conversation

In general, many of us are used to using different apps, such as WhatsApp, Tinder, Viber, Signal, as well as social networks, to talk with friends and family.

So online conversation shouldn’t be challenging, should it now?

While it is true that we are used to it, on the one hand, it is necessary to point out that things are a bit different when it comes to online dating!

In this case, you are starting a conversation with someone you don’t know IRL, but you want to impress them. Therefore, you can have a lot of doubts and insecurities.  Read also: Signs your crush likes you

How to keep a conversation going over the text with your crush

So you have been matched! Congrats! Now what?

That is the question that troubles many people who are beginners in the world of online dating.

You might think that you have nothing to say, or that you might accidentally say something offensive!

So you try to stick to safe questions such as:

  • How was your day?
  • Did you sleep well? And so on.

While being safe, these are the questions the other person probably gets from everyone else. 

When you are thinking about online conversation starter questions, it is good to try and be as original as possible.

Some people start by asking personal questions, for example, as we know that most people like to talk about themselves.

Another option is to start with a cheesy pickup line or jokes. 

1. Keep it Simple

Most of us are using dating apps to meet someone interesting, but also to unwind.

That said, no one expects to go there and talk about the potential outcome of presidential elections.

Ask as many questions as you want, but try to stick to light topics.

For example, you can ask things like:

  • If you could choose to have one superpower, which one would it be?”

When he or she replies, you can continue by asking additional questions to keep the conversation going.

Something that works 99% of the time is when you say something like, “Oh wow, that is truly amazing! I would appreciate it if you could tell me more about it!” Read also: Questions to ask your crush to get to know him or her.

2. Don’t Forget to Flirt

Flirting is a vital element of any type of dating, including online.

The difference is that when you are on the Internet, you sometimes don’t see each other, especially when you are still using only the apps.

In this case, it can be interpreted as if you are coming too strong if you immediately start flirting.

It can result in another person losing interest in you because they might feel you only want sex.

Instead, you can turn on all your charm and say something like:

  • Would you prefer to spend a day at the beach or on the sofa watching movies?”

There are plenty of other online conversation topics you can use to keep it going.

 4. Use Different Stories

The interesting thing is that majority of people tend to stick to their own stories during their first online conversation.

But, it is good to know that it doesn’t have to be like that.

If you are a bit shy or you don’t feel like sharing a lot of details from your life with someone you just met online, you can focus on telling stories that aren’t connected to you personally.

People like it when you talk about books you read or movies that you like, or when you share some anecdotes that happened to your friends or co-workers.  

4. Always Be Honest

It is not uncommon to be worried about telling the truth about yourself during an online dating conversations.

If you like the person and you feel good about the way the conversation is going, be honest about everything he or she asks you.

There is no point in avoiding the answers or lying to make yourself better.

Of course, no one expects that you share every single detail of your life, but be as honest as possible with the information you decide to give. 

5. Check When You Can Meet Again

At some point, you have to stop chatting regardless of how much both of you are enjoying.

Reasonably, if you had a good time, it is to be expected that you want to meet again.

You can propose the time for the next date or ask when they will have the time to talk.

However, sometimes you can find yourself in an awkward absence of the line to stop the conversation.

You can say something like:

  • Oh, I had such an amazing time talking with you! I would like to keep it going.

Are you interested in another meeting? I am sorry to leave now, but I got to wake up early!”

6. Propose to Meet In Real Life

Alright, you have mastered online conversation techniques, and it is developing wonderfully!

But keep in mind that it cannot go on forever. Sooner or later, you have to see if there is a possibility to meet IRL.

Chatting online is a fun and useful way to get to know someone a bit, but the whole point of dating is to meet and see if there you can have something other than just pleasant conversations.  


Now you’ve known everything you need to know about online conversation, you are ready to embark on an adventure called online dating.

Of course, you don’t need to show all of your skills on a first date! Choose the techniques you like the most and leave the rest for another time or a different date!

Are there some tricks about online dating that you know but didn’t find here? Please, share it with us.

Aria Green

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