60 Amazing Things To Do Before You Die: Life Bucket List
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60 Amazing Things To Do Before You Die: Life Bucket List

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Things to do before you die. Life is short, but the memories last forever.

It is a common saying that life is short and it can be over at any time. We should not take it for granted and should make the most out of it by living our lives to the fullest. There are many things that we have to do before we die. This is called the life bucket list. The word bucket list is a term used to describe a list of things that one wants to do before one dies. It can be anything from going on a safari to skydiving, to climbing Mount Everest.

The following are 60 life bucket list ideas that you may want to consider:


60 Amazing things to do before you die

Things To Do Before You Die

Here is a list of bucket list to try.

1. Traveling to different places

Visit the Grand Canyon. Visit your old high school and college. Visit a new country or city in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, or South America.

2. Experimenting with different cultures

3. Pursuing your passions

4. Making new friends

5. Having children

6. Spending quality time with your loved ones

7. Learn a language (Spanish, French, Greek, China, etc.)

8. Go on a road trip

9. Do something outside your comfort zone

10. Give up your seat for someone older or in need

11. Kiss a stranger in public for the first time

12. Eat one meal per day from an unknown restaurant

13. Making your own goals.

Some people make specific plans for what they want to do before they die.

14. Go skydiving

15. Learn how to play the guitar, piano, or saxophone.

16. Read more books than you have read in your entire life

17. Slap a military man (Don’t say I advised you)

18. Eat the food you have not eaten before

19. Have a handshake with the President of your country or the Governor of your state.

20. Take a deep breath and smell the roses

21. Listen to music that you have been hesitant to listen to

22. Mentor young people

23. Give free education to the less privileged

24. Advice young people

25. Bless your children and grandchildren

26. Build the house of your dream

27. Drive your dream car

28. Make a will

29. Sing in a concert

30. Reconcile with those you have offended in the past

31. Forgive all those who wronged you

32. Reconcile with your maker

33. Leave heritage for your children

34. Visit the sick in the hospital and the orphanage homes.

45. Go to the zoo

46. swim in the river or ocean

48. Ride a roller coaster at least once

49. Establish a business

50. Ride a camel

51. Ride an elephant

52. Ride a horse

53. Sleep under the stars

54. Spend a night in an ice hotel

55. Visit all the states in your country

56. Spend a night in a lighthouse

57. Spend a night in a tree house

58. Sleep on the beach

59. Fly a hot air balloon over the Grand Canyon

60. Visit an active volcano

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