Romantic Date Night Ideas at Home
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Romantic Date Night Ideas at Home

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Need some romantic date night ideas at home? Read on to get some inspiration.

When you’ve found the right person, you want to have fun together, learn more about each other, show care and attention.

For occasions when outdoor activities are limited, for dating during covid-19 or any other reason when going out isn’t an option, you can enjoy your time spent at home with just a little bit of creativity.

No need to dress fancy or spend much money. In this article, we’ve chosen seven creative ideas for a date night at home, which everyone can try and afford.

Romantic Date Night Ideas At Home

1. Prepare a Romantic dinner

When you want to be more romantic, the first thing that comes to mind is making a surprise dinner for your partner, candlelight, and all. It doesn’t even have to be a surprise to be romantic. Just try to be creative, to make that date night at home special and different from other usual nights you spend together.

You can do it in many ways like:

  • Impress your partner with your cooking skills:

Make dinner by yourself, prepare everything, including the appetizer, the main course, a dessert, and a homemade lemonade/ice tea/cocktail or a mulled wine (just perfect for a cold winter night). Then, light some scented candles and enjoy your delicious food together.

Order in -no messy kitchen, no fatigue from cooking for a few hours, no risk of burning the dinner for inexperienced cooks, and more time to spend the rest of the night doing other activities that you both enjoy.

  • Cook together

It can be the most exciting part of the night. You can browse recipes online, on YouTube, for example, and make something new for the first time together.

Alternatively, you can show your loved one how to make your “personal specialty” dish or a childhood favorite that reminds you of home.

You can even make a simple pizza together – it really doesn’t have to be challenging and complicated, just a fun activity.

Couple sitting at a table eating dinner at home
Each date night at home can be unique if you’re creative.

2. Watch Some Movies together

We all know “Netflix and chill” has become such a cliché that it has lost its original meaning of a home date and turned into a meme.

If you want your movie night to be different, put some thought into it. If you’re both fans of a particular franchise, you can have a movie marathon, watch an entire trilogy in one go, etc. Make sure to:

  • Agree in advance regarding which movie(s) you’ll watch and make sure that both of you are fans of the genre.
  • Prepare a wide choice of snacks, both sweet and salty, and your favorite drinks.
  • Prepare a lot of comfy pillows, and for a winter night, a soft blanket to snuggle – just try not to fall asleep too soon.
  • Disconnect for a few hours, forget about your phone and social media. Remember – this is a special date night; you don’t want to be absent and stare at your phone all night.
Couple sitting at home, watching a Harry Potter movie, and having dessert.
If you’re both fans of a particular franchise, have a movie marathon with snacks and drinks.

3 Complete a project together

It doesn’t have to be complicated. For example, if you are both studying the same thing, you can brainstorm together. Make something together, like a craft, watch YouTube tutorials for more ideas, be creative.

Learn something new together, like dance choreography. Pick a project that you’ll both enjoy, and that’s relatively easy.

Learn something about your partner’s hobby, and teach them something about yours. Decorate a Christmas tree together. The list is endless; just use your imagination.

4. Play Some Games together

Playing together is not about competing and winning, but about having fun together. Try this:

  • Board games/card games

Evoke some childhood memories, laugh together, and increase the bond and trust between you. Playing board/card games can have a calming effect on both of you, eliminating fear and stress.

  • Video games

Get cozy in your sweats and comfy t-shirts and sit on the floor next to your partner. Grab a can of beer or soda and a bowl of popcorn, laugh, chill, and playfully compete.

To make things more interesting, add a little incentive, like a prize for the winner. It can be something minor and symbolic, something ‘spicy,’ a massage at the end of the night.

Playing games may not be one of the main things your partner wants in a relationship, but it will undoubtedly make them happy.

Couple playing video games on a couch
Playing games will make you both happy and relaxed

5 Make it a theme night

Choose one theme and center everything you eat that night, everything you do, and listen to around that theme. You can even dress up, decorate your home, and adjust the ambiance accordingly.

It can be a theme of one of the previous decades, a specific culture (think delicious cuisines), superheroes, etc. Whatever seems fun!

For example, for an Italian theme date night, make spaghetti and an Italian dessert, like tiramisu, panna cotta, cannoli, play Italian music, watch a classic Italian movie while drinking Italian wine.

6. Bubble bath and massage

People usually like to take a quick shower and proceed with their fast pace of life. You don’t need to have a luxurious jacuzzi; a regular tub will be enough for this relaxing experience with your partner.

Take a break from your routine, chores, and stress. Slow things down, light some candles and play romantic, ambient, Zen tunes.

Soak in a relaxing bubble bath with your partner, with a glass of wine and a bowl of freshly chopped fruits. After the bath, give your partner a massage.

7. Talk about your interests

One of the best ways to bond with your partner and be happy in a relationship is to make plans together. Talk about your future, wishes, and goals.

Create a bucket list. Yes, Covid-19 is still our reality, but it won’t last forever. When things calm down, and life comes back to its regular pace, you can revisit the list, travel together, and have many, many adventures.

Also, ask each other questions. And by that, I mean – real questions. Anyone can ask, “What’s your favorite color?”. Ask meaningful, “deep questions” to really get to know each other well.

By doing so, you’ll find out what makes your partner tick – their truest wishes, their real fears, what makes them proud, their regrets, goals in life, most valuable life lessons, happiest and saddest memories, etc.


Whether you’ve been in a relationship for a long time or you’re just starting – don’t miss out on dating. Date nights can be one of the best parts of your relationship. Enjoy a date night at home, just like those date nights outside.

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Ashley Simpson

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