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100 Reasons Why I Love You

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How do you answer the question: why do you love me? It is very easy to say "I love you" But when asked to say the reasons why you love your partner, it becomes a difficult thing. Here is a list of "100 reasons why I love you" to help you answer this question.

Love is an intense feeling of deep affection. Whether you have some purpose for loving your partner or not, it is necessary you convince them to believe that you truly love them.

So, when you are asked to tell the reasons why you are in love with them, simply answer them using the ideas below.

100 Reasons why I love you

100 Reasons Why I Love You Answers

  1. You always strengthen my faith in God
  2. I love your attitude
  3. You are always supportive of me.
  4. I have no reason to love you
  5. I love the way you smile at me
  6. You make me feel happy.
  7. I love you because you make life easier for me.
  8. You are more than a best friend to me
  9. I feel comfortable being around you.
  10. I love the way you dress
  11. You understand me better than every other person
  12. I love how your lips taste
  13. We are too close to be separated.
  14. You know how to make me smile.
  15. I love the way you treat everyone around you.
  16. You energize me
  17. I love you because your other half is found in me
  18. I like that I can't stay without thinking about you.
  19. You are responsible
  20. I love you because my heart desires you more than any other thing.
  21. You are the first person that comes into my mind when I wake up every morning.
  22. I love you because you warm me whenever I feel cooled.
  23. You always care for me
  24. I love it when you look at me and smile
  25. You make me feel proud of myself
  26. You know how to treat your partner
  27. I love you because you always surprise me.
  28. You are my soulmate
  29. You first loved me
  30. I love you for standing beside me when everyone else abandoned me.
  31. You don't hide secrets from me.
  32. You are my gossip mate.
  33. I love that you are creative
  34. We always have fun together.
  35. I love how you treat my family and my friends.
  36. I love you because you respect me.
  37. You accept me for who I am.
  38. You are a caring partner.
  39. You know how to please me.
  40. You are not arrogant
  41. I love that you know me by heart.
  42. You are smart.
  43. You share your passions with me
  44. I love how you wake me up with your sweet text messages.
  45. I love you because we never get bored when we are together.
  46. You are ready to take risks for me.
  47. You know my deepest secret.
  48. I love you because you are always concerned about how to make me happy
  49. You have a good sense of humour
  50. You are the best friend I can ever have
  51. I love your intelligence
  52. You sacrifice a lot for me.
  53. Everything about you is amazing
  54. I love that you know my favourite food
  55. You always pay attention to my needs
  56. I love how fresh and smooth your body looks
  57. You are courageous to fight for what you love
  58. I love you for teaching me what love is all about
  59. We cannot stay without each other.
  60. I love you because you confide in me.
  61. I love you because you are trustworthy
  62. You allow me to make decisions on my own
  63. I love your talent
  64. I love you because you complete me
  65. We share the same hobbies
  66. You keep your promises
  67. I love you because you are honest
  68. You don't take me for granted.
  69. I feel empty without you
  70. I love you because everything seems brighter around you.
  71. You encourage my spiritual and mental growth.
  72. You’re the person I have been waiting for
  73. You are cute even without saying a word
  74. I love the way you support our relationship.
  75. You inspire me daily.
  76. I love you because you are amazingly different from everyone else I have met.
  77. You never stop loving me.
  78. I love how we treat each other
  79. You always bring out the best in me.
  80. You empower me when I'm weak.
  81. I love you because we have created a whole new world together.
  82. You are charming
  83. I love you because you always make me feel loved
  84. You always value my opinion.
  85. I love you because you do not forget important dates in my life.
  86. You always stand by me no matter what.
  87. I love you because you always allow me to express my feelings.
  88. I love you because you touch my life positively.
  89. You are the only one that can treat me better.
  90. I love you because I know we can have a better future together.
  91. I love you for finding a place in my heart.
  92. You always forgive me whenever I'm wrong
  93. I love you because you want the best for both of us.
  94. You are interested in my dream.
  95. You challenge me to work harder
  96. I love you because you know me better than I know myself
  97. You put others' needs before your own.
  98. You are always there for me.
  99. I love how you make me feel safe.
  100. I love you because you are the only one that deserves my life.
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