What To Do After Engagement
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What To Do After Engagement

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‍Congratulations! You’ve just said “yes,” and now you’re embarking on a new chapter in your life. It’s a time filled with love, excitement, and the anticipation of planning one of the most significant events of your life. But after the adrenaline rush wears off, you might find yourself wondering what to do after engagement. There’s a whole list of tasks that you need to tackle before you walk down the aisle, but don’t worry. Here are a few recommended things to do after you’re engaged.

What to do after engagement

1. Celebrate the engagement

Your engagement is a milestone to be celebrated! Before you dive into the nitty-gritty of wedding planning, take a moment to revel in the joy of your newly engaged status. Throw an engagement party, or if you prefer something more intimate, a simple dinner with your closest loved ones can be just as special. This is the time to bask in the glow of love – pop open a bottle of champagne and let the reality of your commitment to each other sink in. Cherish these moments, as they set the tone for the exciting journey you’re about to undertake together.

2. Share the news with family and friends

Once you’ve had time to enjoy the moment privately, it’s time to share your joyous news with the world. Start with your family and closest friends before extending the announcement to your wider circle. Personal phone calls or visits give a warm, personal touch, especially for those dearest to you. After the nearest and dearest are informed, you can move to more public announcements, perhaps through a creative photo on social media or a more traditional engagement announcement in your local newspaper. Remember, this is your moment, so share it in a way that feels right to both of you.

3. Update your social media profiles

In today’s digital age, updating your social media profiles is an unofficial but widely recognized step in the engagement process. A cute picture of the two of you, a close-up of the ring, or even a simple status update can let your wider circle of friends and acquaintances share in your happiness. But before you post, consider how you want to present your engagement to the world. Some couples choose to keep it simple, while others might get creative with their announcement. Whichever route you choose, make sure it reflects your personality as a couple.


4. Set a wedding budget

One of the most crucial steps in what to do after engagement is setting a wedding budget. This will be the backbone of your planning process and will influence almost every decision you make from here on out. Sit down with your partner and have an honest conversation about finances. Determine what you can afford, what you’re willing to spend, and if family will be contributing. Remember to account for every detail, from the big-ticket items like the venue and catering to the smaller expenses like favors and decorations. Having a clear budget from the start will help you avoid unnecessary stress later on.

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5. Start researching wedding venues

The venue sets the stage for your special day, so it’s important to start researching early. Think about the type of wedding you want, whether it’s a grand ballroom affair, a rustic barn celebration, or a serene beach ceremony. Consider the location, capacity, availability, and what’s included in the venue package. Visit several sites, ask questions, and take notes on what you love and what you don’t. Finding the perfect venue can take time, so be patient and enjoy the process of envisioning your wedding day in each space you explore.

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What to do after engagement

6. Hire a wedding planner or coordinator

If the thought of planning a wedding overwhelms you, hiring a wedding planner or coordinator can be a lifesaver. These professionals can help you navigate the maze of wedding planning, from choosing vendors to managing the day-of timeline. They bring experience and insider knowledge to the table, often saving you time and money in the long run. Decide if you need a full-service planner, someone to assist with specific aspects or just a day-of coordinator. This investment can be invaluable, allowing you to relax and enjoy the lead-up to your wedding.

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7. Create a wedding guest list

Creating your wedding guest list can be a sensitive task, but it’s essential early on in your planning process. The size of your guest list will impact your venue choice and budget, so it’s important to get a handle on it sooner rather than later. Sit down with your partner and compile a list of must-invite family and friends, then consider if you have the space and budget to extend the list further. Be ready for some tough decisions and remember that this is your day – ultimately, you should invite the people who mean the most to you.

8. Start looking for wedding vendors

With the venue secured and a guest list in hand, it’s time to start looking for wedding vendors. From photographers and florists to caterers and bands, these are the people who will bring your wedding to life. Start by researching options, reading reviews, and asking for recommendations from friends or your wedding planner. Reach out to your top choices to check availability and schedule meetings. When meeting with potential vendors, ask detailed questions and get a sense of their style and approach to ensure they align with your vision for the day.

9. Consider pre-marital counseling

Pre-marital counseling isn’t just about addressing problems; it’s a proactive step towards building a strong foundation for your marriage. It can help you and your partner develop communication skills, set realistic expectations for marriage, and work through any potential issues before they become bigger problems. Many couples find this an invaluable step in preparing for the lifelong commitment they are about to make. Consider finding a counselor or a program that resonates with both of you and embark on this journey of growth together.

10. Enjoy the engagement period

Lastly, amidst all the planning and preparing, don’t forget to enjoy your engagement period. This is a special time in your relationship, one that’s worth savoring. Go on dates, have adventures, and continue to build your relationship outside of the wedding planning sphere. Take time to reflect on your journey together and the reasons you’ve decided to spend your lives together. By keeping the focus on your love and partnership, you’ll not only enjoy this time more but also lay a strong foundation for a happy marriage.


Your engagement is the start of a beautiful journey towards marriage. While there’s a lot to think about and plan for, remember to take it step by step. Celebrate your love, share your happiness, and tackle the planning process as a team. Enjoy every moment, from the big decisions to the small details, and look forward to the beautiful future you’re building together.

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What to do after engagement

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