How to please your husband. Do you want to know what a man expects from his wife? Here are some tips on how to please your man and make him feel loved and cared for. For you to be the type of woman your husband will find irresistible, they are certain things you must do to win his heart more.
Marriage is a beautiful institution ordained by God. To maintain a healthy and happy marriage, you need to put in your best to keep the relationship moving. Below are simple things you can do to make your husband pleased with you.
How To Please Your Husband
1. Be Loyal To Him
Every man loves and wants a loyal woman. The first thing you must do to please your husband is to be loyal to him. Men love loyalty. Try to submit to his authority. Do not rub shoulders with him.
A proud wife or girlfriend can never please her man. Men expect their women to be submissive to them. Every man is a king. And for you to awaken the hero in him, you must make him feel like a king. How? By being submissive to him.
Men are the head of the family or a relationship and should be in control. Allowing a man to be in control does not mean you don't have any right to disagree with him. Or that you should allow him to control and manipulate you. All I'm saying is that you should make him feel the hero in him. Allow him to exercise his kingship. And you know what? When you make a man your king, you will definitely become the queen.
Read also: 100 Texts to make a man think about you.
2. Make Him Happy
Your man wants to have fun. That is the number one secret most women don't know about men. Men are not hard to please, only if you understand their love languages.
Let me share one secret with you. When your husband comes back from work, first of all, allow him to have some rest, and serve him his food.
After a while, the next thing should be playtime. Don't be too busy to have fun with your man. Even if he's not in the mood, turn him on. Have fun with him and make him feel good.
Even if he's the type that doesn't come back from work on time, he will start returning home, earlier. Why? Because of how you make him feel whenever he returns. Your man may be stressed at work, but having a little fun with him, at home, can make him feel good again.
3. Compliment Him
Make sure you compliment his dress before he goes to work. Tell him he looks cute today. This will make him smile and keep pondering on those words when he gets to work.
I tell you, he will call you later in the day, saying he just wants to hear your voice. When this happens, just know that you have already won his heart.
Read also: Sweet and romantic love letters to send to a man.

4. Encourage and Support Him
Another way to make your husband satisfied with you is by encouraging him, especially when he is depressed.
There are a lot of things that can make a man lose his comfort. But your duty as his wife or girlfriend is to support him.
Make him realize that he's not alone. Strengthen him with words of encouragement.
Men are not just attracted to a woman's looks only. Every man has a vision. And what we want most is a woman that will help us actualize those dreams.

5. Prepare His Best Food
One secret every woman should know is that there is power in the type of food you cook for your man. Most men don't eat much at home because they have somewhere to eat a delicious meal.
If you want to always have a place in your husband's heart, then you should learn how to attract him with what you cook. Give him your best and he will love you more.
Always prepare those meals he likes eating. And make sure you serve him the food with respect. Make sure you have a separate plate for him.
Your man may not complain about the type of food you prepared. But do not fail to give him your best at all times.

6. Look Attractive to him
The first impression a man gets from a woman is her looks, before any other thing.
You can make your man take delight in you by making yourself look good. Do not cease to be attracting him. Men are mostly carried away by what they see. So, consider wearing some sexy dress for him at home. This will make you look charming to him.
7. Pay attention to his needs
Any man you give the whole of your attention is likely to make you the Apple of his eyes.
Men also have their own emotional needs. Make sure you meet those needs (the ones you can).
Pay attention to him, especially his feelings. Most men are not good at expressing their feelings. So, you have to be sensitive to discover what they want.
Read also: How to date a non-affectionate man.

8. Express Your Love To Him
When you express your love to a man, it simply shows you value him. Show him how much you love and want him in your life. Men also want to feel loved and cared for, as women desire affection, too.
Send him some sweet, good morning texts to wake him up. Write him some love letters to show how much he means to you.
Read also: 9 Proven ways to make a man feel loved

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