It is up to you to make of your life what you want because life is what you make it to be. What life offers to you are a result of what you do. You cannot sow a bad seed and expect a good harvest. One positive decision you make could change your life. You only need to stop and think because you are the architect of your own happiness. Read on to discover some inspiring life is what you make it quotes to change your approach to life. You can also read more about life in our previous post on inspirational quotes about life and struggles.
What is the meaning of life is what you make it?
The phrase “life is what you make it” means that our actions, choices, thoughts, perception and decisions in life determines what we get in return as our result. In other words, our life does not change by merely looking at our problems or by complaining to others, but by taking the necessary action needed for the change to occur.
“Our choices matter more than we think,” notes Paul Brian. This implies that, whether we believe it or not, the decisions we make determine what we receive back as a result.
Below are some deep and inspirational quotes and sayings about life to help you think, shape your attitude to life, and enable you to make the right choice.
Your Life Is What You Make It Quotes
1. “Life does not give you what you desire but what you demand.”
— Unknown

2. “Life is sweet to those who know how to make use of it.”
— Joseph Parker

3. “Your life will not change by merely looking at your situation. You need to take a step forward.”
— Anthonia Zhar

4. “Your life today is a result of the decision you made yesterday. Your life tomorrow is a result of your today’s decision and action.”
— Anna Mantana

5.”Change your formation if life is not taking it easy with you. Life is a battlefield.”
— Michael K. Andrew

6. “When life gives you what you don’t want, stop! rethink!. You might be doing it wrong.”
— Anastasia Kwang

7. “We all want progress in life but only those who are willing to make it happen, see it happen.”
— Mabel

8. “Life is difficult to us because we are not willing to change the part of us that makes life miserable to us.”
— Anonymous

9. “Life is what you make it, even the smallest thing counts.”
— Isabella Windsworth

10. “If you are not satisfied with what life gives you, go for more.”
— Roseline Sharkhi

11. “Life honors those who honor it. It reacts to how we treat it. Therefore make the best of it.”
— Jennifer Kwin

12. “Love the life you live. Live the life you love.”
— Bob marle
Famous Quotes About Life

13. “We never understand the consequences of our action until life brings back the result to us.”
— Fedrick R. Kurtin

14. “Life is what you make it so make the best of it.”
— Shay Anthony
15. “If you desire to reach where no man has ever reached, do what no man has ever done.”
16. “Life is what you make it. Always has been, always will be.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
17. “Your life is a reflection of what you think and perceive about yourself.”
Thomas Dwar
18. “Life is what you make it. Always try to make your today better than your yesterday.”
19. “Make the most of life. No one is going to do it for you.”
Vicky andy
20. “Whatever you allow rules your life.”
Glory hwarki
21. “If you want to make the best out of life, take the right decision. Our decisions are the foundation of whatever we do in life.”
Jeremiah gharki
22. ” If you are always waiting for a hand to lift you anytime you fall, you will always remain where you are.”
Jeremiah remy
Motivational life is what you make it quotes
23. “You can change your life by your actions and the thoughts you allow into your mind.”
Jennifer marwi
24. “Mere desire does not change anything. Life is what you make it.”
25. “If you find what is working for you, do not leave it. Stick to it because life is what you make it.”
Andrew a.a.
26. “Life is what you make it. If you choose happiness, you will be happy. If you decide to be sad, you will remain sad.”
anthony awa
27. “Be careful of the choices you make in life. In your career, marriage, and life decisions. They will affect the rest of your life.”
sam bwarl
28. “Life is great only if we can see from the great side of it.”
Henry sMITH
29. “Appreciate life for what it has to offer. Never live your life as if there is no hope for tomorrow.”
monday zuma
30. “Life is like a game. If you play well, you win. If you don’t, you lose.”
31. “Life is like a two side coin. We see whichever side we decide to.”
luke jessy
32. “Your life is a product of your thought, decision and action in life.”
33. “Success does not come by multitude of plans but through consistent action.”
maryan harwi
34. “Whatever you can dream of. Whatever your mind can conceive, if your faith can carry it with a little effort from you, you will surely get it.”
Timothy nul
35. “Life is 90% of our attitude towards the things we can control and the ones we cannot.”
36. “Life is what happens while you are making other plans.”
John Lennon
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