Did you just realize you’re with fake friends or in a fake friendship, and you need some fake friends quotes to reflect on or express your deepest feelings? You’re at the right place.
Friends are precious gifts anyone can have. But not all friends are trustworthy. Whereas some friends stick closer than a brother, some are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They are your friends when life is easier for you but they disappear when the goings become tougher.
If you have been betrayed by a friend you trust so much and you’re looking for some quotes to express your thoughts in words, here are the best quotes about fake friends and fake friendships. You can also refer to this my previous post about how to spot a fake friendship and the qualities of a true friend. Also, discover the types of friends you need to keep and the ones you should let go of. Let’s get started.
Fake Friends Quotes
1. “It is better to live with the known enemy than to live with a fake friend.”

2. “Be careful about who you tell your secrets. Not everyone is your friend. Some friends are worst than the enemy you know.”

3. “You cannot tell if a friend is real or not until you have a misunderstanding with them.”
4. “It is better to live alone and be happy with yourself than to live with friends who will make your life miserable.”
5. “Do not call anyone your best friend until you have tested and proven their trust and loyalty.”

6. “Some friends are enemies in disguise.”
7. “Fake friends only act nice and come around when you have food on your table but they disappear when everything has finished.”
8. “Any friend who only remembers you when they need you is a fake friend.”
9. “If Judas can betray Jesus, even your best friend can betray you.”
10. “I’m not sad because you betrayed me, I feel bad because I can’t trust you anymore.”
11. “Be nice to everyone but keep your distance. Your friend today can be your worst enemy tomorrow.”
12. “Fake friends are only discovered when they’re gone.”
13. “Do not pretend to be my friend when all you tell people about me are lies.”
14. “You cannot fake friendship for long.”
15. “Do not trust people simply because they smile at you. Those smiles are deceit in disguise.”
16. “Fake people are like soap bubbles; they pop out when the sun shines brightly.” Chiranjude Bird
17. “You’re worst than an unknown enemy if your friends cannot confide in you.”
18. “A real friend is known by their actions, not their words.”
19.”I thought we are friends, but now I realize you’re an enemy in the form of an Angel.”
20. “No matter how nice the cat may be to the rat, they can never be friends. Be careful of who you trust.”

21. “People may not always tell you how they feel about you but you will know through their actions.”
22. “If I doubt your intentions, I will never trust your actions.” Carlos Wallace
23. “You have lost nothing if you lose a fake friend.”

24. “Fake friends are like toxic substances in our body. Endeavour to flush them out once you discover them.”

25. “You don’t tell people you’re their friend, you prove that you’re a friend indeed.”
26. “Everyone might be my friend but I do not trust everyone equally.”
27. “Fake friends shine only when the light is on, but they disappear when the light goes off.”

28. “Do not open the door of your heart to people simply because they smile at you. People who smile too much at you can equally frown at your back.”

29. “If the Devil who was once an Arch Angle can betray God, even your best friend can turn against you.”

30.” Do not feel bad when you discover that some friends are fake. Be grateful because you have learned your lessons.”

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