In this post, I'm going to show you the signs that tell a guy likes you but is hiding it.
The most important thing about the signs that a guy likes you is that he might show it in different ways. Some guys are shy and won't tell you outright when they like you. They'll just give you subtle hints or try to get your attention without being too obvious. Others are more straightforward and will be straight up with how they feel about you. These are signs he likes you but is hiding it.
It's important to know these signs because it can help in figuring out what your next move should be. If a guy likes you, then he's going to want to spend time with you, whether it's hanging out at school, texting, or talking on the phone. Continue reading to figure out the signs that tell a guy likes you but is trying to hide it.
Signs a guy likes you but is hiding it.
1. He tries to impress you.
When a guy likes you, he tries to make you feel admired and well respected. For example, he sends you flowers, and sweet text messages, he compliments you, and cracks some silly jokes to make you happy.
He doesn’t seem to forget your birthday. All he’s trying to achieve is to get your attention. At least for you to notice that he likes you. Although you may not realize that he likes you, simply because he's hiding his feelings. But whenever you notice this sign from a guy, he likes you but is not trying to show it.
2. He gets jealous.
If a guy is jealous of other guys talking to or flirting with you it means that he really likes and cares about you because jealousy is an intense emotion.
A guy who doesn't like you will not feel bothered when he sees you with another guy. But that guy that always feels bad each time you're talking to another guy is your secret crush. Guys develop an intense feeling of jealousy when they see another guy with a girl they like.
Related: How to make your ex jealous
3. He's always around.
If a guy likes you he will try to spend as much time with you as possible. If he's always around and seems to always be on his phone then it could mean that he's texting or calling someone who knows about how much he likes you.
He might not approach you or initiate a conversation with you, but if you always notice that he likes to sit or stay close to you, then he likes you but is probably shy to tell you or he's just hiding his feelings.
Related: How to turn a guy on over text
4. He makes eye contact with you.
One of the ways to know if a guy likes you is through eye contact. Have you ever noticed a guy looking at you from afar but seems to look away each time he gets caught by your eyes? It is a sign of attraction.
When a guy likes you, he will always make eye contact with you. He will often take his eyes off you if he's shy. But if you want to know if he's staring at you, try to look in a different direction but make sure you're seeing him without his consent.
Related: How to get a guy to like you even if he doesn't
5. He gets curious about you.
When a guy likes you, he will want to know as much as possible about you. He does this by asking you questions about yourself. For example, your name, where you live, what you do for a living, etc.
Related: How to show a guy you like him
6. He tries to get close to you.
Another sign a guy likes you but is hiding it is that he tries to get close to you. He may not tell you he wants you to be his girlfriend, but he will do everything possible to be your friend.
He does this by supporting or helping you when you're in need. He's only doing this to get your attention and finally become closer to you. So, don't be surprised when a guy starts being nice to you, overnight. He may have been crushing on you for a long time but doesn't want to tell you.
Related: Biggest turn-offs for guys
7. He starts texting or calling you more often than usual.
Whether he's your classmate in school, or your colleague at work, if you ever notice this sign, he likes you. When a guy likes you, he will often call or text you, each time he sees you online. You may think he's doing that just because he knows you, but it is a secret sign a guy likes you.
Related: How to get a boyfriend
8. He compliments your appearance more often than usual.
This is another way to tell if a guy likes you that most girls ignore. That guy that often comments on every picture you post on your social media account is secretly crushing on you but you don't know. Don't think that a guy who often compliments you is doing that because you are beautiful. There are other guys who see your post but don't comment on it. It is not because you are not attractive. But because that guy that often interacts with your posts is more interested in you than them. So, if a guy likes you, he will always compliment you.
9. He attempts to flirt with you.
If you forget every other sign I mentioned in this post, don't forget this one. This is a very crucial sign to observe when trying to know if a guy likes you. When a guy has feelings for you, he tries to behave in a way that shows he's sexually attracted to you but in a playful manner.
He might start by calling you a pet name to see your response. If it seems you're not bothered, he will extend his communication with you to a deeper level.
He's doing this because he's attracted to you but wants to know how you will respond if he flirts with you. This also gives him a hint about whether you're interested or not. So, if a guy you like flirts with you, flirt back at him and keep the conversation going.
Related: How to keep a conversation going over the text with a guy
10. His friends start teasing him about liking someone.
You can also tell if a guy likes you through his friends. All you need to do is to observe how he and his friends behave when they're around you. If they seem to whisper to each other while looking at you, they may be saying something about you. And this is a sign, that one of the guys likes you.
Related: How to test if a guy likes you
11. He becomes protective of you.
This is another hidden sign a guy likes you. When a guy is really attracted to you, he will often try to impress and protect you. For example, he fights for you or defends you, even when he knows you're wrong. He's doing this to cover you up, and also express his love for you, without telling you he likes you.
12. He asks for your number
The final sign that a guy likes you but is hiding it is that he asks for your number. He may not expressly tell you that he's getting your contact to start calling, but he will tell you he wants to add you on WhatsApp. So, if after seeing all the signs I mentioned but he never made any attempt to get your number, he might be shy to ask for it, or he just likes you as a friend.
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