Do you ever wonder how to keep a guy interested in you? Do you want to know the secret to keeping a guy’s interest?
Most people are under the impression that it takes an extraordinary amount of effort and time to make sure that a guy won’t get bored and look elsewhere.
In reality, it’s quite the opposite. With a few simple techniques, you can ensure that he will not only stay interested in you but feel connected and close to you as well.
In this article, you’ll learn simple yet effective ways to keep a guy interested in you and keep the relationship going strong. From creating anticipation for things to come, to utilizing vulnerability to build trust, you’ll get all the advice you need to make sure he never loses interest.
So if you’re looking for ways to keep him attracted to you, you’ve come to the right place.
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How to keep a guy interested in you
1. Maintain an air of mystery
The first way to keep a guy interested in you is to make him keep guessing about you. Don’t tell him everything about yourself right away, and don’t be afraid to ask questions about things you don’t know.
Keeping a bit of mystery about your life and interests is a great way to make yourself stand out from the crowd. This will make him think there is something special about you that he is yet to discover.
Related: How to play hard to get
2. Do not ask for money right away
Guys quickly lose interest in a girl when she starts making demands, especially at the beginning of the relationship. It is a sign she is materialistic, and no guy wants to date a materialistic girl.
So, if you want to sustain a man’s interest and make him attracted to you, avoid making too many demands. If possible, avoid asking for money right away until you have come to know each other better.
Related: Things girls do that are a big turn-off to guys
3. Show him respect
No matter how much a guy likes you, if you don’t respect him, he will never stay in that relationship for long. Men prefer to be respected than to be loved by women. Therefore, make him realize that you respect him as a man and he will not stop liking you.
Related: Signs of disrespect in a relationship
4. Surprise him with activities or fun dates that he would enjoy
Unlike girls, guys too like surprises. And making him feel special is the only way to make him realize you are the only person that knows his heart.
A man’s interest is sustained when he feels happy and comfortable around you. So, think and figure out what he likes most and surprise him.
Related: Fun things to do with your boyfriend
5. Laugh and smile at his jokes
Every guy wants to hear that he is funny. It makes us realize that a girl enjoys our company.
No matter how silly his jokes are, try to smile or laugh at them. Do not take all his words too seriously but try to joke with him and have fun together. This will make him happy and will desire to always be with you because of the way you make him feel.
6. Compliment him
By offering him compliments, you are showing him that you recognize his qualities and accomplishments and that you appreciate him. This helps to strengthen the connection between the two of you and creates a positive dynamic that he can draw from.
Additionally, it can boost his self-confidence, making him feel more attractive, wanted, and respected. All of these factors can help to keep him interested in you for a longer period of time.
7. Give him space to do what he loves
Calling and texting a guy every day without giving him the opportunity to socialize with friends or have a conversation with other people is going to make him feel bored and move away from you.
If you are already attached to him, try to give him some space to miss you. A little of your absence can make a guy think about you all day. And a guy will likely stay in a relationship if you allow him the freedom to express himself with others. Therefore, do not be a clingy girlfriend.
8. Be a good listener and remember the things he tells you
A guy will get bored of your relationship if he discovers you don’t pay attention or take his words seriously.
Paying attention to his words demonstrates your genuine interest in him. Men appreciate it when women display interest in their thoughts, values, and opinions, and being a good listener allows them to feel heard and appreciated.
Moreover, having good listening skills can help to improve communication and deepen the connection between two people. Ultimately, men are more likely to remain interested when they feel their partner truly understands them.
9. Be supportive, understanding, and patient when things don’t work out
Having these qualities-understanding, patience, and being supportive is enough to keep any guy interested in you. Apart from your physical appearance, these three attributes show a man that you truly love him and you are wife material.
Related: How to make a man feel loved
10. Avoid being extremely jealous
It is not easy to be in love with someone without getting jealous. In other words, it is normal to feel insecure in a relationship but do not allow your insecurity to drive away the man of your dream.
Guys lose interest in girls who exhibit an excessive form of jealousy. And this jealousy manifests in the form of feeling suspicious of your partner by monitoring or checking their conversations. And this attitude can tear relationships apart.
So, if you want to hold a man to yourself, control your jealousy, especially if you are a jealous lover.
Related: How to deal with being extremely Jealous in a relationship
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11. Spend quality time together and get to know each other
The more time you give to your partner, the more intimate you will become with them. Do not be too busy to make a guy start feeling as if you are no more interested in him. This has destroyed a lot of romantic relationships and friendships.
Always devote time to your relationship by spending it with your boyfriend and making efforts to get to know each other better.
12. Show your interest in his life and activities
Another way to keep a guy interested and attracted to you is by showing interest in his life and hobbies. This will make him feel you share common interests and that you care about him. No guy wants to date a girl that only cares about herself.
13. Look after your appearance
Your physical appearance contributes to 90% of your success in attracting and keeping a man’s interest.
There have been several arguments as to whether men are visually stimulated or not. The fact remains that, men are more attracted to what they see. So, if you want to keep a guy attracted to you, dress in a way that pleases him. If you want to know what he likes when it comes to fashion, ask him or take a closer look at the type of girls he is attracted to. This might mean what he likes.
14. Be independent
No guy wants to date a liability. If you are dating a guy because of what you will gain from him, I’m sorry, that relationship will not last long. Instead of depending on your boyfriend for everything, be industrious and let him realize that you are independent.
15. Be visionary
A real guy who is genuinely interested in you will always look out for this quality in you. No guy will continue dating you if he discovers you don’t have plans for your future. We all want someone that will love us for who we are but if who you are is not worth his time, he will definitely leave you.
16. Do not play games with him
So many girls have lost guys who are really interested in them because of cheating. If you notice that a guy likes you and you are interested in having a relationship with him, avoid playing games with him. He will likely leave you if he discovers that you are a player.
17. Do not take him for granted
Nobody wants to be taken for granted. Always show your appreciation for him and everything he does. This will encourage him to do more and keep on loving you.
18. Always go on a date
Regular dates can help keep a man interested by making him feel special, valued, and appreciated. By planning regular dates, you show him that you care and that you are interested in spending time with him. Additionally, these dates can provide you with an opportunity to talk and get to know each other better.
19. Prioritize communication
Constant communication is another secret to keeping a guy’s attention. Communication gives both of you the freedom to express your feelings to each other.
The key to keeping a guy interested in communication is to maintain an emotional connection with him. Ask open-ended questions and actively listen to his responses.
Show that you are genuinely interested in what he has to say, and make sure you ask follow-up questions to get further details.
Share stories and experiences that you have had that relate to what he is saying. Show appreciation for things he does or has to say.
Be affectionate with your words and physical contact. Basically, keep things light and fun and show that you are enjoying the conversation.
20. Never stop flirting with him
Flirting is a continuum in the dating world. If you want to sustain a guy’s interest and make him avoid looking away, then flirt with him.
Flirting, when done properly, can be a fun and playful way to express interest and let someone know that they are noticed and appreciated.
The greatest challenge of a successful relationship is knowing how to keep the guy you love interested. From small gestures to engaging in meaningful conversations, there are many ways to ensure the flame never dies out.
Ultimately, it’s about keeping the balance of respect, attentiveness, and understanding to ensure a healthy relationship.
As a renowned therapist and author, Esther Perel said, “Love is an action, not just a feeling.” Take action, and you will find the relationship you both deserve.
So to keep your man interested, practice compassion and gratitude, stay in touch and don’t be afraid to show him how much you care. When you feel like you’re growing apart, find new ways to reconnect. Ultimately, it is possible to stay together and be happy.
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