How do you know if a guy likes you but is afraid to express it? Read on to discover the signs he likes you but is intimidated by you.
Have you ever had the impression that a man is interested in you but is too shy or embarrassed to approach you? If you know what to look for, you can always spot telltale indications, even if it seems like a puzzling enigma.
Have you ever observed that a guy always wants to be around you or blushes when you speak to him? These are the typical indications that a guy is interested in you but is too afraid to take the next step, from timid looks to soft touches.
In this post, we’ll examine the most typical indications that a guy likes you but is hesitant to approach you, along with advice on how to react to each.
While most guys have the boldness to approach a girl they like, some guys are too shy to do that. If you are uncertain about how a guy feels about you, here are a few signs a guy likes you but is intimidated.
How do I Know If A Guy Likes Me But Is Terrified?
There are a few key signs that tell a guy likes you but is intimidated by you. Examples of those signs include; he avoids eye contact, he stares at you without speaking, he fidgets or seeming to be nervous when you’re around. If you notice any of these behaviors, it’s possible that the guy likes you but is too intimidated to act on it.
Signs a guy likes you but is intimidated
1. He’s always around
When you notice a guy following you around- he goes to the gym with you, he seats next to you on a bus or within a circle of your friends, it is a sign he likes you but is afraid.
It can be hard for people to put themselves out there, especially when it comes to showing or expressing romantic interest.
Showing interest in someone else requires courage and vulnerability, so it’s not always straightforward. That’s why it’s important to look for subtle cues and signals that indicate someone is interested in you.
Little gestures like offering to buy you a cup of coffee or walking in the same direction as you are all good signs that a guy is trying to catch your attention.
It’s also worth noting that if a person is interested in getting to know you better, they may begin to mirror your movements, question your decisions, and generally gravitate toward you in social situations.
Pay attention to the small things and you may find that the guy who has been “following” you around is actually showing their interest in the best way they know how.
Related: Signs he often thinks about you
2. He acts differently around you, being more quiet and shy than usual.
Another telltale sign that a guy likes you but is scared is that he doesn’t always seem comfortable in your presence.
He may act differently around you than he does when he’s with his friends. Not only that, but he may stutter when he talks to you, or fumble with his words.
He might laugh a little too much, or he might be too reserved. He might not always make eye contact when he talks to you, preferring instead to look away or down.
All of these little things can point to his nervousness and apprehension around you, which is often a sign of attraction.
Related: Signs a guy loves you but is trying to hide it
3. He’s always talking about you
If you want to know if a guy has feelings for you but is afraid to take a step, ask the people around him to see if he talks about you.
A guy who feels intimidated by the girl he likes tends to talk more about her with his friends. He often tells them how amazing you are, and how he feels about you but he’s too afraid to approach you.
So, keep an eye on him and his friends whenever you are passing or sitting close to them. If you notice them talking and looking at you, then they may be discussing you, and is a sign one of them likes you but is intimidated to meet you.
Related: How to test if a guy really likes you
4. He makes excuses to talk to you, but won’t look you in the eye.
If you notice that he often looks away each time you gaze into his eyes when he is talking to you, it’s a sign he admires you but is intimidated by you. Guys who don’t keep eye contact for long but often gaze at you are indirectly telling you they like you but don’t have the courage to tell you.
So, if he blushes or looks away with a smirk when you catch him looking, you know that he definitely knows how he feels about you.
Small gestures like this, even without words, can express a lot about his feelings for you. Body language can be just as powerful and meaningful as verbal communication.
Remember to pay attention to the cues he gives you. If you can read into the unspoken messages he sends, then you’ll know exactly how he feels about you.
Related: Signs a guy is only interested in sleeping with you
5. He offers to help you out
Another way to tell if a guy is interested but is afraid is that he likes assisting you each time he feels you need some help.
He might try finding ways to spend more time with you, like coming to do projects or errands with you, even if he initially expressed a lack of interest in doing them.
He’s trying to get to know you better and make more of an impression on you. He may also make a point to meet up with you somewhere you like to hang out on specific occasions, as a sign of his growing interest in you.
If he does many of these things, then he may have strong feelings for you and is just too fearful to move forward.
6. He gets tongue-tied and fumbles over his words when speaking to you.
Another sign a guy likes you but is intimidated is that he gets tongue-tied and fumbles over his words when speaking to you.
Sometimes, this is just his shyness coming out, and he genuinely likes you, but he’s unsure how to act or what to say.
If you’ve noticed him speaking faster than usual or getting flustered easily, these signs may point to him liking you and being intimidated by you.
You can try to help him along by breaking the ice and starting the conversation with a lighthearted joke or comment. This can help to put him at ease, and he may be more comfortable speaking to you as a result.
Related: How to make a guy you like feel obsessed with you
7. He’s overly polite, speaking to you with a respectful tone.
When you notice that a guy respects you so much, it is a sign he has feelings for you but is too afraid to tell you.
I have had this experience before and I can tell that honoring a girl more than you ought to is a sign you like her but are scared to express your feelings to her. So, if you notice that a guy talks to you too politely and honors you more than is required, he likes you but is frightened to express it.
8. He smiles at you without a word
Another way to know if a guy likes you but is scared is that he smiles whenever he sees you but does not speak a word to you.
If he decides to talk to you, he might fiddle with his fingers, start conversations that don’t really go anywhere, or maybe even look away if you catch him staring. All of these signs indicate that he’s interested in you, but his shyness and anxiety are preventing him from expressing it.
Related: How to make the first move on a guy you like
9. He tries to impress you
When you notice a guy doing all he can to make you happy, he is attracted to you but is too intimidated to tell you how he feels. Guys don’t try to impress girls for nothing.
So, if he makes extra efforts to put a smile on your face, he likes you but is too scared.
10. He responds to your requests quickly
Does he often grant your requests before you even say them out? It does not mean he is a philanthropist, but he is trying to tell you he likes you but is afraid to express it.
Related: How to tell if a guy has feelings for you but is trying to hide it
We’ve discussed that there are many signs a guy likes you but is too intimidated to make a move. From avoiding eye contact and acting clumsier than usual, to showering you with compliments and opening up to you, these are all subtle behaviors of a shy guy trying to “mask” his true intentions.
The best way to tell if a guy likes you is to look at the big picture—if his actions and his words match up, then he likely likes you but is too shy to say it.
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