Do you want to know how to make him obsessed with you? Read on to discover how to make a man fall madly in love with you.
Getting a guy to like you is a different game from making him obsessed with you. When a guy is madly in love with you, he will call or text you, almost, every day. He will not stop thinking about you, nor find a way to make you happy.
Below are simple things you can do to preoccupy a guy’s mind.
How To Make Him Obsessed With You
1. Play hard to get
When a guy is still trying to hold you to himself, he will get obsessed with you if you play a little bit hard to get. How can you successfully do this? Make yourself available when he needs you, and sometimes, pretend as if you’re too busy to attend to him. I’m a guy and this trick works on me.
If he’s already your boyfriend or yet to be, do not always pick up his calls. You can wait till an hour later before you can call back and apologize for missing his calls. This will not only make him obsessed with you but he will also respect you, knowing that you have other things to do. Here is my previous post about how to play hard to get.
2. Give him space
Being clingy to a guy will not make him think about you all the time. You need to learn the habit of giving men space to miss you. It is only when a guy misses you that he will get obsessed with you. Try to give him some space to think about you. Avoid calling or texting him every day. This will drive him crazy about you, especially when he starts missing you.
3. Flirt with him
Guys find girls who can flirt very attractive and tend to think about them always. So, if you want to make a guy keep thinking about you and fall madly in love with you, learn how to flirt with him. Also, don’t forget the power of compliments. Use it to preoccupy his mind.
Related: What girls do that are great turn-offs for guys
4. Send him a love note
Whether he’s your boyfriend or about to be, send him a sweet love note once in a while. You can decide to wake him up with some good morning text messages for him. By doing this, you are making him feel loved and he will not stop thinking about you. In other words, he will go crazy about you.
Related: How to make a guy feel jealousy
5. Be mysterious to him
You will preoccupy a guy’s thoughts if he finds you mysterious. Guys don’t always want girls to be predictable. Sometimes, they want you to keep them guessing your next move. For instance, you can decide to give him a surprise kiss, hug, etc. This will really make him go crazy and get obsessed with you.
6. Show him, love
To be frank, if after following the five steps above and you fail to make him feel loved, he will never be obsessed with you. Every guy wants a girl who will love them unconditionally and support them. Even if he’s broke, he needs love.
So, try to show him, love. Make him realize that you care for him. You can decide to get him a surprise gift. By doing this, you’re gradually dropping memories in his mind. And this will make him addicted to you and not stop thinking about you or want you more.

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