Are there signs that tell a guy is not into you? When you’re in love with a guy, you will keep looking for signs he’s into you or not. Knowing whether a guy is madly in love with you will help you to know how serious he is about you, especially if he’s your boyfriend or about to be. Below is how to tell if a guy is not that into you.
Signs He’s Not Into You
1. He hardly has time for you
If you notice that the guy you are dating gives you little or no time, then he’s not into you.
When a guy is into you, he will always give you his time and attention. Guys love paying attention to the woman they love.
Anytime you need his company or assistance, he will tell you that he’s busy. It is a sign a guy is not into you.
2. He rarely calls or texts you
You are always the one calling him. He has never texted or called you, even for a day.
When you text him, it will take several hours or days for him to reply. If eventually texts you first, he doesn’t care to know if you’ve seen his message but refused to call.
It is another sign he’s not in love with you. When a guy is into you, he will always make out time to call you in order to know how you are doing.
Related: How to get him obsessed with you
3. He doesn’t flirt with you
Guys tend to tease a woman they are in love with. But if he flirts with other girls when he’s with you, then, he’s not really into you. Although, some guys are shy in nature.
If he doesn’t flirt with you, it’s either that he’s shy or that he’s just really not into you. Here are the things to consider while dating a shy guy.
Related: Signs he’s a player in disguise
4. He never gets jealous
A guy who is into you will always get jealous whenever he sees other guys surrounding you. But if he does the opposite, then he’s not in love with you.
Any guy who is really in love with you will get jealous at some point when they realized that, they are not the only one coming for you.
He may not display any of the signs of jealousy when he sees you with other guys, but check this- how does he act when you are talking with the opposite sex?
Does he look away, pretending as if he’s not listening to your conversation?
If ‘yes’ then, he’s jealous, but trying to hide it from you. So, if your guy never gets jealous when he sees other guys around you, then, he’s not into you.
Related: How to make a guy feel jealous
5. He said you are just a friend to him
Another way to know that a guy is not obsessed with you is when he says something like “You are just a friend to me”. It simply means that he has no feelings for you. All he wants from you is a platonic friendship.
Related: Signs he wants to date you
6. He never asks you personal questions
A guy who is not into you will never try to know more about you. He will never ask about your parents, your background, family and friends, etc. He doesn’t ask you to tell him certain things about you, nor does he tell you anything about himself. It is another sign he’s not in love with you.
Related: Signs he will never commit
7. He doesn’t make sacrifices for you
Guys love sacrificing for a woman who has gotten into their brain.
When a guy is really in love with you, he will always make some sacrifices for you.
But if he doesn’t, then he’s not in love with you. A guy who is not into you will never think of how to impress or make you happy. He will always treat you the same way he treats others.
You can’t boast of anything he has done for you. He never supports you. But if he’s into you, he will treat you like a Queen and make sacrifices for you.
Related: Signs he will soon propose
8. He has never shown up again after the first date
If a guy disappears after meeting you for the first time, it simply means he’s not into you.
When you plan a date for both of you to meet, he will give you some silly excuses like, am busy now, I don’t think I will make it, etc.
All these are the ways a guy acts when he’s not into you. Here are some of the signs he wants to date you.
9. Your mind tells you
Your mind is seriously telling you that this guy is not in love with you. You know it yourself because you’ve seen some of the signs in him.

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