15 Signs Of A Toxic Relationship
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15 Signs Of A Toxic Relationship

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Most toxic relationships started as healthy ones. In the process, everything changed. If you’re still wondering if your relationship is harmful or affecting you negatively, here are some signs to help you recognize a toxic relationship.

What is a Toxic Relationship?

The word toxic means ‘poisonous. ‘ So, a toxic relationship is a relationship that affects or harms you emotionally, mentally, or physically. It is the type of relationship that adds no value to your life. Rather, it drains and makes you unhappy.

It is characterized by depression, physical and emotional abuse, cheating, gaslighting, and lying and also contaminates your self-esteem.

People in toxic relationships feel drained, dejected and often pity themselves.

Why do people find themselves in toxic relationships?

People don’t just enter into a toxic relationship. Rather, they find themselves in such relationships because everything moved very quickly.

They didn’t take some time to examine their partner or even pay attention to some red flags at the beginning of the relationship.

They thought they have finally found their soul mate or life partner, without paying attention to some warning signs that suggest they are heading into a toxic relationship.


15 Signs your relationship is toxic

15 Signs Your Relationship is Toxic

1. Your partner accuses you falsely

One major sign of a toxic relationship is that you are often accused falsely, by your partner.

They constantly accuse you of cheating, being selfish and manipulative, dishonest, etc. When you notice any of these, it means your relationship is toxic.

Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship. Without it, a relationship is bound to fail. Lack of trust can be one of the major causes of these relationship problems.

Here are the ways to build trust in your relationship.

2. They constantly cheat on you

Cheating is another thing that depicts a toxic relationship. Your partner constantly cheats on you without any plan to change their lifestyle.

Most times, they even bring in their lover into your matrimonial home. If such thing happens in your relationship, it means your relationship is unhealthy.

3. They gaslight you

Gaslighting is the type of manipulation where the manipulator tries to make their partner question their reality, memory, or perception. If your partner gaslights you, then you’re in a toxic relationship.

4. They always shout at you

You are not supposed to shout at your partner or for them to shout at you. You are both equal partners and ought to respect yourselves.

Does your partner raise their voice on you when you make mistakes or even try to hit you? Such behaviour is toxic and you should take note of that.

5. You’re always at fault and apologizing

In a toxic relationship, your partner never admits their fault. Rather, they will always blame you for every mistake they make.

Their pride does not allow them to apologize to you. Instead, you will end up being the one apologizing for what you’ve not done just to make them happy.

6. They have no regards for your boundaries

A toxic partner does not respect your relationship boundaries. They have no regards for your privacy.

They monitor your movement and violates your privacy. If any of these happens in your relationship, then you’re with a toxic partner.

7. They disrespect you

A toxic person disrespects you. They have no regards for you, your friends or even your family members.

They talk to you anyhow they like without considering your emotions. If this happens in your relationship, then your relationship is toxic.

8. They abuse you physically and emotionally

In a toxic relationship, your partner abuses you both physically, sexually, and emotionally. The physical abuse includes beating you. While that of emotional abuse entails name-calling.

This can bring an unending trauma to the victim.

9. They control and manipulate you

A controlling and a manipulating partner can be toxic in a relationship. In toxicity relationship, your partner forces you to do certain things just to satisfy their selfish interest.

They manipulate you into doing some certain things just to make them happy.

10. They do not support you

A good and a healthy relationship improves your life. It helps you become the best of who you are. But a toxic relationship does no good to you.

Your partner does not and is not willing to support you. Rather, they stonewall you.

11. Lack of sexual drive on their part

In toxic relationships, your partner starves you sexually. They’re not doing that because of their medical condition, but to punish you. Maybe for the little quarrel or misunderstanding you hard with them.

12. Your love is not often reciprocated

Another sign of a toxic relationship is that your love is not often appreciated, neither is it returned. You try all your best to please your partner, but to no avail. Unrequited love pains. It is a warning sign your relationship is poisonous.

13. You hardly express yourself

An unhealthy relationship affects your self-esteem. You hardly express yourself because you are not being heard when you speak.

Your partner does not value your opinion neither do they seek it. As a result of this, you end up living a fake life. You always pretend to be fine when you are with them.

14. You’re always unhappy

A toxic relationship drains you. It takes away your happiness.

If you ever find yourself worried and being upset for no reason, anytime you are with your partner, then it is an indication that you’re in a toxic relationship.

Toxic relationships make you unhappy. You end up thinking, getting worried and upset all the time.

15. You feel insecure

Do you have the feelings of insecurity in you or your partner?

Do they always get unnecessarily jealous, and start up a quarrel or a fight with you? It is a sign your relationship is not healthy.

Can a relationship go from toxic to healthy?

Every toxic relationship has a 100% chance of being healthy again. To move from a toxic relationship to a healthy one requires good communication skills.

You need to discuss with your partner about how you feel and the condition of your relationship. So, to fix a toxic relationship, you should practice healthy communication.

Open up to your partner if you are the victim, and tell them how they’re making you feel. Visit a therapist or a counselor for proper counselling.

If none of these worked, then consider leaving the relationship. Here are the ways to end a relationship peacefully.

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