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How to deal with unrequited love in a relationship.

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It pains to be in a one-sided relationship or friendship. It hurts to see your love not often reciprocated by your partner or a friend. Learn how to deal with unrequited love today.

Unlike a lopsided friendship, one-sided love can be so frustrating.

When you love with the whole of your heart and find out that your love is not often reciprocated, I guess you will feel disappointed, ashamed, discouraged, and bad about yourself.

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What is unrequited love?

Unrequited love is an affectionate feeling that is not appreciated. When love is not recognized, it will definitely not be returned or rewarded.

Most times, we find ourselves in the midst of fake friends or a partner who doesn't appreciate our efforts (love). But you always try to be a good partner, and do your best to please him or her.

On their birthday, you spend more than required. But when it's time for that love to be returned, they end up disappointing you.

Such love is not mutual. It is not a sign of true love. Therefore, it is unhealthy for any healthy relationship.

One-sided love can last for some months or years. Although, it is very difficult to say exactly how many years or months an unrequited love can last depending on how you handle the situation.

They are many ways to identify love that is unrequited. These signs will help you to know whether your Relationship is one-sided or not. And also, the best way to deal with unrequited affection.

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5 Signs of Unrequited Love

When you notice any of the following signs in your relationship, know that your love is not often reciprocated.

1. One-sided communication

If you're the only one calling your partner to know how he/she is doing, but he/she has never called you even for a day, then your love is unrequited.

If they miss your call, they don't even bother to call you back.

A requite love goes with mutual dealings. You give your partner a call today, tomorrow he/she does the same. But if it is contrary to this, then your love is not balanced.

Mutual or good communication is very vital for any relationship that wants to improve.

2. You're often ignored

When your love is unrequited, you are often ignored.

You may try your best to please him/her but at last, you end up being disappointed.

When you buy them gifts, they don't care to appreciate you. In fact, they see it as your responsibility. But it simply shows you're been taken for granted.

3. You crave their time and attention:

You're not supposed to seek your partner's attention and time if the love in your relationship or friendship is mutual.

A partner who doesn't give you his or her time can never reciprocate your love.

Read also: How to deal with feeling lonely in a relationship. 

4. You give more than required

If you're always the only person giving in the relationship, then your love is one-sided.

Giving ought to be mutual and not one-sided. So, if you are the only one showing affection to your partner, then your love is unrequited.

5. You feel it yourself

When your love is unrequited, you will feel it yourself.

Your instinct will always tell you that your partner does not love you.

You may even get confused because of the signs you're seeing. Not only that, but you will question if you're really in love or not.

How to deal with Unrequited Love

Having discovered that the love in your relationship or friendship is one-sided, let's quickly look at the various ways to deal with unrequited love.

1. Talk to your partner

The first thing to do is to address the issue. There is no relationship problem without a solution.

Discuss how you feel to your partner. Make them know that you are not happy with the way they're treating you.

Also, use this opportunity to know whether they're still interested in the relationship or not. And don't forget to set boundaries in your relationship, this time.

2. Distance yourself

Another way to handle a one-sided love is to distance yourself from your partner.

Allow them to miss you and your affection. Don't always be there for them.

Cease all forms of communication with them for the main time. All you're trying to do is to make them value you. So, distance yourself for the moment.

3. Move on

If you've finally discovered that your partner does not feel the same way you feel for them, then it's time to forget him or her.

Figure out how to stop thinking about them. Even if you're deeply in love with him or her, and can't stop loving them, try your possible best to move on.

4. Develop yourself

The next thing to do after moving on is to improve yourself.

Work on developing yourself to become a better person.

That he or she rejected you does not mean they are no other persons outside there, who will love and appreciate your love.

So, work on yourself. Forget about him/her and move on.

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