How do you keep a girl interested over text? How do you keep a girl always interested? What makes a girl interested in a guy? How do you make a girl not lose interest in you? I know you’re here because of these questions. And today, I will be sharing with you, the best ways …
Friendship is one of the most important aspect of life. Friends offer support in time of needs, and stand firm in time of adversary. But what if your friendship is one-sided? Will you enjoy any of these benefits of having a friend? In a one-sided friendship, you are the only one reaching out and making …
Choosing the right ring for your relationship can be a daunting task. Not to mention, it’s not always easy to know when your relationship is going from one stage to the next. Thankfully, we have made a guide that will help you figure out when it is time to upgrade your jewelry. Why are Rings …
Setting healthy boundaries is essential for a healthy relationship. Relationship boundaries are those dos and don’ts binding a relationship. They are those behaviours you will, and will not accommodate in your relationship. For instance: “You can kiss or romance me at home but not in the public” and “I will tolerate any negative behaviour except …
What do men find attractive in women? Are there physical traits in women, that men love and find irresistible? When it comes to dating or being attractive to guys, your looks matter a lot. Men are visually stimulated. In other words, they’re more attracted to what they see than what they hear. Here is my …
Every individual has their own deal breakers in a relationship. Relationship deal breakers are those traits you frown at and you are likely to end your relationship because of them. For instance, lying, cheating, physical or emotional abuse, and some other controlling behaviours from your partner. Most times, these relationship red flags manifest early on …
When you have feelings for someone, you will always be eager to identify some signs they like you back. You may have been guessing either because of the way they smile or stare at you, how quickly they reply to your texts, or through their body language. All these can keep you wondering if your …
Every relationship has a deal-breaker. They are the things that will cause you to decide to end a relationship. But how do you know when to leave a relationship, especially if you’re so much in love with your partner that you cannot identify some red flags in the relationship? Falling deeply in love can blindfold …
Looking for signs he doesn’t love you anymore? You’re at the right place. Read on to discover the signs that tell a guy has lost interest in you. After dating him for a long time, he suddenly became cold and hot. He started avoiding you to the extent of not picking up or returning your …
Does your relationship still have the hope of surviving? Read on to discover the signs your marriage is over. Marriage is an honorable institution ordained by God. When your marriage is about to fail, there are undeniable warning signs you will notice. If you ever see any of these signs in your relationship, it means …