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16 Signs He Really Cares About You

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When you are doubting a guy's love for you, you will be looking out for signs he cares about you. And in this post, I shall highlight 16 things a guy does when he really cares for you.

Finding a boyfriend who is concerned about your welfare can be challenging. People often fake their love. That is why it is also hard to figure out if someone deeply cares about you. Everyone wants someone who will check up on them every day. It is innate in humans to desire love and care from their partners.

What does it mean when a guy cares about you?

When a guy cares about you, he would do anything for you. He would be there for you all the time and will take care of you. He would be concerned about your feelings and needs, and he would want to make sure that you are happy.

16 Signs He Cares About You

1. He checks up on you

No matter how little it may appear to you, if a guy often checks up on you, it is a sign he cares about you. For example, he calls you on the phone or texts you to find out how you've been or you are doing. This is the primary sign that tells a man has concerns for you.

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2. You have his time and attention

If a guy claims to care about you but doesn't have time for you, he is nothing but a liar. When a guy cares for you, he makes you his priority by giving you the attention and time you deserve, especially when you're passing through hard times.

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3. He is always there for you

Another way you can tell if a guy has your interest at heart is that he stands by you even in difficult times, especially when others have left you. He defends you in the public, even when he knows you are wrong, but rebukes or corrects you in the secret.

It doesn't matter how many people stand by you when the going is good, but how many remain when the going becomes tough and tougher.

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4. He supports your vision

A guy cares about you if he supports and encourages you to be the best. True love is not just about the physical things you receive from people, but their attitude towards your well-being as a whole and your success. So, if you notice that a guy often supports your vision and encourages you never to give up on yourself or whatever you're trying to achieve, it is a sign he cares about you.

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5. He helps you to look your best

It can be by buying you gifts like clothes, shoes, or any other thing that will make you look more beautiful and attractive. This shows he thinks about your welfare and how to make your life better.

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6. He forgives you when you offend him

Do not think that a guy who easily forgives you when you offend him is doing that because he is weak or that you are special. He is doing that because he cares about you and doesn't want your relationship with him to end that way.

So, forgiveness is another sign a man cares about you. A man who doesn't forgive his woman wants her to continue living in fear, and this is not a sign of true love in any romantic relationship.

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7. He avoids doing anything that will hurt your feelings

To care about someone is to love them with all your heart. And someone who loves you will not want to hurt your emotion. So, if a guy cares for you, he will avoid doing anything that will make you feel bad or regret loving him. For example, he doesn't cheat on you or lie to you.

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8. He protects you

Another way to know if your boyfriend cares about you or not is that he protects you. He makes every effort to see that nothing bad happens to you. He gets worried when you go out or return late at night. All these shows he loves you and doesn't want anything bad to happen to you.

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9. He gets jealous

Sometimes, you will know if a guy really cares by the level of jealousy he exhibits. For example, if he often gets worried or feels insecure when other guys approach you, he might be afraid of losing you because he really cares about you.

Related: How to make a guy jealous

10. He asks you intimate questions

When a guy truly cares for you, he develops an interest in everything that concerns you. For example, he asks you questions about yourself, your family, and the areas you need his help. This shows he has your interest at heart.

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11. He makes sacrifices for you

You will know a guy cares about you by the way he makes sacrifices just to make you happy. He does nice things for you without being asked. These little acts of love show he's concerned about you.

12. He makes effort to meet your needs

Even if he doesn't give much but makes attempts to solve your problems and meet most of your needs, he cares for you. Being caring is about making efforts to help your loved ones even when you're not in a position to help them.

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13. He treats you with respect

One who cares about you will often show respect to you, whether towards your feelings, values, friends, or other things that concern you.

14. He understands your feelings

He empathizes with you and is understanding of your feelings and you can share everything with him, whether it is good or bad and he listens to everything that you say without making judgments.

15. He is the only friend you can lean on

Another way to know if a guy genuinely cares about you is how he treats you. If you see him as your best friend and the only person you can lean on, then he really cares and is concerned about your well-being. True friends are rare to find, but they stick even in the days of the storm.

16. He makes you happy

You will know if a guy cares about you and if he makes you happy. For example, he sends you sweet texts to make you smile and reminds you that you are special. He tells you jokes or stories to cheer you up, especially when you are sad. He is doing all these because he cares for you.


16 Signs he cares about you
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