Do you want to know what to look for in a guy? Read on to get the list of things to look for in a guy you want to date.
The fact is that we all have likes and dislikes. They are certain qualities we admire in people, and they are some we hate and cannot tolerate.
To some girls, they want a man who is tall, smart, jovial etc. but they are some necessary attributes you should look for in a man before falling for him.
No woman will like to marry a partner who is not her type. They must be some qualities she admires in you as a man before getting married to you.
What To Look For In A Guy
The following qualities are what to look for in a guy:
1. How Caring He Is
Some men are insensitive when it comes to women. They don’t know how to make their partner feel loved. A good man shows concern. He knows when his woman is sick and what to do. Note that all men are not the same. Some men are romantic in nature while others are not. Check whether the guy you are about to marry is caring or not.
2. Sense of Humour
Every woman wants a man who will make them happy always. Look for a man with a good sense of humour. A guy who appreciates jokes no matter how unfunny they may be. Check the type of personality he has. Whether he is easily upset or laughs and jokes a lot.
Read also: 14 Qualities of a good man.
3. Responsibility
Another important thing to look for in a guy is to know whether he is responsible or not.
The worst thing you can do as a lady is to date an irresponsible man. Such a man will never respect you and there is a high chance of abusing you in a relationship. Responsibility matters a lot if you want a good partner. Is this guy you are about to date responsible? Check it out.
Related: Signs a man has anger issues
4. Assertiveness
The word assertiveness means ” confident” A man who lacks confidence in himself cannot make a good partner. Being assertive is all about knowing your rights, saying “Yes” when you ought to and “No” at the right time. Look at your man closely to know whether he is carried away by different opinions or not.
5. How Attentive He Is
Some guys don’t pay much attention to their partners. They do all the talking without listening to their woman. Some feel they are more important in the relationship, therefore; she ought to listen to them.
How does this particular man you are falling for reacts when you are having a conversation? Does he pay attention to you or he is often distracted by his environment?
Related: Signs he will soon propose
6. Humility
A man who is arrogant will not make a good husband in the future. If your guy is too proud, he will never apologize to you whenever he is wrong. He will always claim to be right. Are you still thinking of what to look for in a guy? check how humble he is in nature.
7. Stability
A guy who is not emotionally stable is likely to cheat in a relationship. Look for a man who is stable in his feelings. Not a man who professes his love for you today, tomorrow he is gone. Such men will hurt your feelings in a relationship or marriage.
Related: Signs he will cheat
8. Unconditional love
Women are most of the time carried away by material things. Love is beyond material things. Check if your man has the quality of acceptance in him. Is He willing to accept you as you are without trying to change you? or are you just attracted to him merely on physical attraction?
Research shows that ” If your man is trying to change you, then he isn’t the man for you” Check to know whether he is serious with you or not.
Related: Signs he will never commit
9. Honesty
Every healthy relationship cannot prevail without honesty. In considering what to look for in a guy, test him to know how truthful he is.
A lying partner will not make a good husband or boyfriend. How often does he tell you the truth? Check it out.
Related: Importance of honesty in a relationship
10. Jealousy
Some men are extremely jealous. They don’t like seeing their woman interacting with another man.
Look at him properly to know whether he is the type that gets unnecessarily jealous. Everyone gets jealous especially of their loved ones, but when it gets out of hand it becomes another thing.
Every girl or lady wants a good partner. No one will like to be in a toxic relationship.
The attributes listed above are to help you choose your partner wisely. They may be more things you admire or dislike in men that were not listed above, check them out to know whether you can be able to cope with those qualities.

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